My Little Italian Theatre

My Pictures

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pine trees

I wanted to clear my head yesterday,so I ran out into our woods... and found a pine tree. On sudden impulse I reached out to the lowest branch and pulled my self higher and higher as the farther I went the more branches I found to grab onto. Finally I found myself near the top, and then it hit me that I was acting like a 7 year old, running around, climbing trees and in general acting like a Tarzan from the Jungle. I  scurried down the trunk and then sheepishly looked around to see if anyone had seen me. I ran back to the house and started to continue with my school until I realized that the reason I couldn't open my fists to start typing was due to the fact that they were glued shut with sap. How lovely. So now I know that a 17 year old in their right mind should not go and climb pine trees in the middle of school, or for that matter, ever. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Guess What

Yeah, so my sister had her Birthday party yesterday and we had yummy cake and delicious ice cream with a bunch of family and every thing went off without a hitch. Excepting the fact that we had the party at Grandmas, and I, of course, forgot the candles for the cake. I went crazy when I finally figured out that I had forgotten, and I ran around to every one who could drive trying to beg them to take a five min. trip to our house and allow me to get the much wanted objects. But no one would help and when asked, my dad said the obvious with no sarcasm whatsoever in his voice ,   " Just save them for Tabitha. She'll be 7 in like only 4 years." !!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


My sister Olivia is going to be 7 years old tomorrow and she is excited. About a year ago, Olivia was going to be six, but while I was walking through the Salvation Army I saw a candle pack for only 99 cents, and I just couldn't pass it up. The only problem was that the candles were for a 7 year old, not 6. So that meant keeping the candles, a: a surprise for a year (not happening by the way) b: away from those in the house that hate any thing that just sits around and isn't used for almost a year, and c: safe and clean and ready to use on Olivia's 7th Birthday cake... if I could only remember them. Obviously I have remembered them but imagine if I didnt, that would mean I would of had to take care of those totally useless objects for, ummm, lets see Tabitha is 3 so that would be... 4 years!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I was thinking lately about how short my life was. In about 13 days I will be 17, and once I'm there it will be only a year until I'm 18. Then another year and here comes 19... 20... 21. Time goes faster when you are older I think. I never thought about time when I was 10 or 11, just ask my parents, they will confirm that! I was always getting in trouble for not paying attention to the time. This year has gone so fast though. It makes me wonder what I'm going to do with the time I have. Hmm. Just a thought.


My wonderful mother sent my sisters and I out into the garden yesterday to pull out all the dead plants. They are long squash plants that have stretched them selfs out farther than invited and when you pick them up (or roll them up) you get tiny white prickles in your hand that you cant get out unless you stand there for about an hour trying to carefully pull them out. Usually you end up jamming more in then getting them out. But we have successfully yanked out about 3 rows and are probably going to be sent out again this afternoon, by our Wonderful Mother.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Monday, October 4, 2010

Thats Me?


So I just got back from half a week of camping with family and friends down in Indiana. I am so sore from all the climbing we did. How come its when you're hurting the most that you decide to fall and hurt even more? I dont know and I dont care, im just going to sit on my couch and whine. Ok, maybe not... but seriously it always happens that way.
Anyway my friends are all great photographers that love to take pictures (no duh) and i had to get used to the consistent noise of the shutter. They were everywhere at once and you knew that if you turned around you would get either a flash in your face or a " You doofus, that was an ugly face, do that again but try to smile next time." I think I have a vague understanding of what a celebrity has to deal with everyday.
I am so happy to be home though. I will miss my friends down there, but I am a true Hollander. (excepting the fact that I will never allow my self to become even remotely Dutch.).


Welcome to my life as a 17 year old where I jot down the everyday happenings in my house. Some of them are funny and some are interesting, but I hope that through all of them you get a taste of my Little Italian Theatre.
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