My Little Italian Theatre

My Pictures

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


My sister Olivia is going to be 7 years old tomorrow and she is excited. About a year ago, Olivia was going to be six, but while I was walking through the Salvation Army I saw a candle pack for only 99 cents, and I just couldn't pass it up. The only problem was that the candles were for a 7 year old, not 6. So that meant keeping the candles, a: a surprise for a year (not happening by the way) b: away from those in the house that hate any thing that just sits around and isn't used for almost a year, and c: safe and clean and ready to use on Olivia's 7th Birthday cake... if I could only remember them. Obviously I have remembered them but imagine if I didnt, that would mean I would of had to take care of those totally useless objects for, ummm, lets see Tabitha is 3 so that would be... 4 years!!!



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Welcome to my life as a 17 year old where I jot down the everyday happenings in my house. Some of them are funny and some are interesting, but I hope that through all of them you get a taste of my Little Italian Theatre.
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