My Little Italian Theatre

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Guess What

Yeah, so my sister had her Birthday party yesterday and we had yummy cake and delicious ice cream with a bunch of family and every thing went off without a hitch. Excepting the fact that we had the party at Grandmas, and I, of course, forgot the candles for the cake. I went crazy when I finally figured out that I had forgotten, and I ran around to every one who could drive trying to beg them to take a five min. trip to our house and allow me to get the much wanted objects. But no one would help and when asked, my dad said the obvious with no sarcasm whatsoever in his voice ,   " Just save them for Tabitha. She'll be 7 in like only 4 years." !!



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Welcome to my life as a 17 year old where I jot down the everyday happenings in my house. Some of them are funny and some are interesting, but I hope that through all of them you get a taste of my Little Italian Theatre.
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