Holland was founded in 1847 by Albertus Christian Van Raalte. The city was destroyed by fire in 1871. Since the fire, Holland has rebuilt itself to be one of the best places to live and retire in America. The Biggest thing we look forward to every year as a city is Tulip-Time. Nearly 1,400 Hollanders participate in the Klompen dancing and the festival itself brings more than 10 million dollars in from tourists. Each year we are flooded with almost half a million tourists pouring in to see the tulips planted all over Holland. Ever year 470,000 bulbs are planted and it takes 14 full time and 20 part time city workers 3,000 hours in October to plant the tulips. The Tulip-Time parade consists of all the school bands in the area, close to 20, Klompen dancers ( a dutch dress costs close to $150) the Governor of Michigan and much more. Throughout the years, Tulip Time has received many global and national awards. Tulip Time has been recognized as one of the 'Top 20' events in the world by the International Festival and Events Association and has also been in the Top 100 events for North America by the American Bus Association. Amazingly enough there is a $50 fine for picking tulips around town! And while you watch the dancing you need to watch your head, cause the shoes (made of poplar wood right here in Holland) will occasionally fly off someones foot.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
My Holland
Where my Grandpa is from
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