My Little Italian Theatre

My Pictures

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Home Sweet Bed

   I have the privilege of sleeping in the same room as my two little sisters, no not the older little sisters, the little little sisters and they have this problem of moving. You may think that I'm being impractical right now but I assure you that I am not. We have this metal bunk bed that we sleep on, I get the top and the girls get the bottom futon, and no matter how lightly you push it, move on it or even breathe on it, it will let out this awful metallic groan. The bed is always slightly slanted and the noise is agonizing to listen to. So when I get in bed hoping in vain that the girls actually listened to my mom when she said no talking and go to sleep, I hear whispering and giggling and slapping and crying until I go insane. Then I have to lean halfway over the bed and try to calmly tell them to be good obedient little girls while the blood rushes to my head and makes me feel like I'm going to flip over the side. After that theres approximately three minutes before the whispers slowly increase to a full fledged fight or laughing contest and I have to do my blood-rushing acrobatic discipline all over again. The whole time this is going on our bed is making its regular complaints at our every move and after half an hour of "Good night both of you!" , "NO more talking!" and " Olivia, don't touch Tabitha again or I'll..." I finally hear... nothing.



Beth Rumley said...

hahahahahaha!!!! I love that, that is absolutely hilarious!!!! :P

Rachel said...

hey sara,if you fell off the bed you would have funny post the next day!...right!

Sara said...

Yeah Rach, I would. I'll keep that in mind!

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Welcome to my life as a 17 year old where I jot down the everyday happenings in my house. Some of them are funny and some are interesting, but I hope that through all of them you get a taste of my Little Italian Theatre.
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