My Little Italian Theatre

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Monday, December 6, 2010

"Working" on Another Play

My brother and Dad just got into another musical at our local civic theatre called "Working". I'm happy for them. I am gearing up for the next 3 months of sending them off to rehearsals while I sit and wish that somehow I could cram my self into the back of the trunk and go with them. I hate that I cant go. Its like some one holding a nice steaming chocolate cookie in front of your face and not giving it to you. I love being involved in shows, and this is the first one that I'm not directly in. I'm the one stuck with writing up reports and reviews of all the rehearsals. Well I guess something is better than nothing. I'll just hang tight until next summer when I force the Director to allow me to be the Stage Manager again. Ok, well maybe not force, but I will beg you can be sure of that. Its fun trying to control about 25 teens your age. Seriously. There is something that makes you feel really good when you finally get that someone to listen to you. You know the one that wont stop clicking the pen during notes or the one that keeps insisting that his parents did give him permission to run all the way down town in the middle a performance. Yeah, I cant wait for next summers Musical.



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