Every winter my mom sends us out to the back yard to pack snow up against the back of the house. It's supposed to keep the house a little warmer than it already is. So yesterday my sisters and I crammed ourselves into our snow-pants, shoved our heads in hats and headed out to the back to start our igloo building. Now the snow was up to my knees so it was a good 1 1/2 feet, so I decided I would walk ahead of all the girls and make a path. Tabitha however thought that she could do it all by her self and ran ahead. Well actually more like waddled. The snow was above her waist and there she was pushing through the snow acting like it was the easiest thing in the world. She is such a good sport. I kept asking if she was cold but the answer was always, "No." After I was done pounding the snow into blocks all around the backside of the house I had to practically drag her in. All the way to the house I kept telling her to follow Rachel who was walking in the already made path, but either she was totally blind or she didn't think she needed the help. Of course.
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Thursday, December 9, 2010
Where my Grandpa is from
Naples Italy
Where my Grandma is from
Sardinia Italy
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