Rachel my sister is good at many things, cooking, sewing, cleaning, math. But recently I got to benefit even more from her knowledge and know how. Rachel cuts hair. She practices a lot on the guys in the family, but this was the first time shes styled my hair. I wasn't too scared, I mean my hair is pretty forgiving, but I made sure I grabbed a mirror before I sat down. She kept saying that I was her Guinea pig and that didn't help with the stress. I didn't need to worry though. Rachel is awesome!!! She gave me an Amy Adams haircut that I absolutely adore. I'm so happy with it but the best part was that it was totally and completely free. Heehee, I like free stuff.
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Thursday, December 9, 2010
Where my Grandpa is from
Naples Italy
Where my Grandma is from
Sardinia Italy
thanks sara!thanks for being my... victim!
yeah i really love it you should do my hair, rachel!
Your hair looks so cute!
You did such a great job Rach!
thank you, thank you !!!*bow*
It look so cute of course! and Rachel did a great job!!
Why thank you Jordan.
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