My Little Italian Theatre

My Pictures

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bad Roads

Wow! We are literally buried in snow! There is up to 4 feet now. Because we live next to the lake we get whats called Lake Effect snow that likes to blow over us and make us non-existent. Somehow we persevere though. With our strong snowploughs, quick road sanders and tiny but effective sidewalk ploughs, we people here in West Michigan I'm proud to say have figured these crazy winters out. You know you dont leave the house without a coat, boots, sand, salt, gloves, blankets and shovel. You know to drive no faster than 30 mph and how to control an unwelcome doughnut spin. We've also mastered the art of shoveling drives and reattaching the mail box to the pole every morning. Yes. I think we've been through this enough times to know that We are all in this together. Every one needs to do their job because if not, well We are all gonna have a snow day.



Jo Bekah Photography said...

Awesome!! I miss it...and remember it all like it was yesterday! Ha, especially the mailboxes always being knocked off by the snow plows!

Beth Rumley said...

...except for those brothers (who by the way, just got their drivers' license) who Want to do donuts! and I understand completely about shoveling the driveway! it's so fun it blows me away!!!

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Welcome to my life as a 17 year old where I jot down the everyday happenings in my house. Some of them are funny and some are interesting, but I hope that through all of them you get a taste of my Little Italian Theatre.
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