We were all sitting around the table in the kitchen eating dinner when Dad told Rachel to run in the other room and put a sweater on because she looked so cold sitting there. So Rachel obediently got up and walked into the other room. We heard a thump and then silence but we didnt think anything of it assuming that she had walked into a door or wall like usual. She was only gone for a few seconds but when she got back she was slightly limping. When I asked her if she had bumped into something she shook her head. "No." She said. "I slipped on a blanket and fell on the ground." She slipped back into her chair while the whole family started to laugh. Not long after that I dug my fork into my salad and yelped in pain as the balsamic vinegar in the homemade dressing shot up into my eyeball. Do you know how much that HURTS!! The vinegar was tangy and painful in your mouth let a lone in your eye. Every one was laughing even more now, but more than anyone, my Mom. Whenever you get hurt you can count on my mom laughing her head off. Really. She thinks its the funniest thing ever when some one gets hurt. And the more pained face you can pull off the harder she laughs. Its become a game in our family, trying to get my mom to laugh at our pain. Its kinda funny actually.
Where my Grandpa is from
Naples Italy
Where my Grandma is from
Sardinia Italy
Maddy!!!!!iv gotten more careful lately !:)And dont laugh-my butt really hurts!
like no sympathy!:{
ahahaha! It's not just funny, LOL it's hilarious!!!:)
wow. :P Interesting story. I wouldn't have laughed at Rachel. (Not hard or in front of her face anyway) :P Love you Rey-Rey! Sorry for the stuff in the eye Sara. :P It does sting to get stuff in your eye that doesn't belong there. :P
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