I know you, my reader, are very upset with me for not writing in a while. Ok, a really long while. I'm sorry. But I can explain. The thing is, everyone here has been going through some sickness of some sort. I myself am just getting over a fever/cold that had me down for 3 days and even Vincent (the one in our family most immune to sickness) was taken down for 2 days. Now when your down and suffering, a nice movie and some apple sauce are nice to have around. Unfortunately for me, my little sisters were sick before me so my mom got a stack of movies that should not have been labeled "movie" but instead "incredibly-boring-try-to-throw-something-at-the-tv-to-stop-it" things. And apple sauce was out of the question due to the rising gas prices that constantly remind us that walking would be cheaper. No one wanted to walk to the store for me. And I figured something out. Your dreams when you have a fever NEVER END. Even when you wake up at two in the morning your dream is still going. Its insane. Tabitha woke up screaming while I was sick, and because I was awake already I picked her up and sat on her. Ok well not actually sat on her. Just tried to get her to stop screaming. Anyway, I had just been dreaming of giant marble columns that where slowly crushing the life out of me ( I know, not a pretty thought) so when I finally got the screeching squirming kid on my lap I say, " Its OK Tabitha, they're not trying to kill us any more." She stopped screaming and looked at me like I had two heads, which I wouldn't have been surprised if I really did. So now I'm on the road to recovery complete with red nose, chapped lips and sore throat. But here I am. I'm back.
Browse: Home > Sickness, Sickness and Some More Sickness
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Where my Grandpa is from
Naples Italy
Where my Grandma is from
Sardinia Italy
FINALLY!! JK! It is so true that dreams never end when your sick..and time seems like it stops! = )
Haha! I know! It drives me insane really!
ha ha! It's funny I missed like three of your posts the other day! I didn't even read this one...LOL
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