I have a part time job with my brother cleaning our church and each time we go Vincent stops by the gas station and picks up a drink and snack for every one. This past time Vincent convinced me to get an all natural fruit smoothie. Once we got to the church building we both went to the kitchen and Vin poured me a cup of his to taste since I had a different flavor. I tasted it and then felt obligated to let him try some of mine. So I grabbed a cup, shoved it into his hands and gave him some. He looked at it and then at me and again at it and then tried to give it back.
"It's O.K." He said nervously " I don't need to try that version."
"What? You don't want to try it?!" I was flabbergasted.
"Um... well, no, not really." He grimaced and looked back at the cup. "It's just that your sick with the stomach flu and I don't want it."
I explained that all I had was a fever, which was gone now, and a cold that I was just about getting over. "Its exactly what you had Vince, so your immune to it now. At least for the year."
He raised eyebrow and then slowly gulped down the smoothie. He nodded "Hmm, not bad"
Then I had this scathingly brilliant idea. I immediately ran around the corner folded myself halfway into the large commercial garbage can and pretended (quite successfully I might add) to upchuck my dinner. You should have seen his face.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The Juice
Where my Grandpa is from
Naples Italy
Where my Grandma is from
Sardinia Italy
so thats why you were laughing!!!
HA HA HA !!!!!!! HILARIOUS! = )
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