Every Friday of the school year I babysit for a lady who teaches science at a school once a week. This has gone on for 3 years, and I've slowly gone through all her kids, each year one of them leaves my babysitting duties to move on to school. Now I 'm on her youngest and enjoying every minute with the cutie. We like to run out side when its warm, read books and play hide and seek. They have a house behind them, their yards divided by a chain link fence, and the neighbors notorious dog that I've been told about that likes to bite strangers when they go over to the fence. His name, I was informed, was Blue. While chatting with my employer, she mentioned that the lady who lived behind her house was named Mrs. X, and I realized that it was the same Mrs.X that had directed the teen summer musical at the Civic theatre that I had been in. What a small world!! And then every thing started to fall into place, the location of her house, the name of their dog her 8 year old daughter talked nonstop about and the car that was identical to the one I had seen Mrs. X driving. The recognition that came was weirdly overwhelming. For 3 years every week I had been staring at the back of a friends house without even knowing it. I had seen a dog with out knowing it was "the" Blue.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Its A Small World
The next time I saw Mrs. X I told her of the connection, and she was just as surprised as I was. I went over to her daughter and sat down.
"Hey, hows your dog doing?" I asked.
She shrugged, "Ok I guess."
I was laughing deep down. She didnt know that I worked right behind her house. " Is Blue a very good dog?"
Nodding emphatically, she answered yes. I raised an eyebrow, " Are you sure?"
Her nodding came to a slow stop and her cheeks flushed, "OK, well, I guess he did bite someone...our next door neighbor. But thats all!" she insisted.
I let out my laugh and told her I knew already. She looked at me quizzically. How did I know? Then I started to describe her back yard, things I could only know if I had seen it. Her eyes grew wide.
"How did you know that!!?" she demanded.
Then her mom came and ruined my fun by telling her that I babysat in the house behind them. We all laughed at the coincidence, and they gave me an invitation to give them a holler next time I come around.
Labels: Laughter
Where my Grandpa is from
Naples Italy
Where my Grandma is from
Sardinia Italy
Very well written. :)
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