As your probably guess by the title, Vince has finally bought himself a car, and at long last I can have my bike back that he had to use all year to get to work since he crashed his. He simply adores his little car and you cant help feeling the excitement he shows when hes about to take it out for a spin. You wouldn't believe all the different reasons and excuses he tries on the parents to go somewhere. And the rules!! I mean right when I step in the car, he informs me that we don't move anywhere until we're buckled, no one is to touch the radio without permission and no leaning your head on the windows because of the greasy forehead marks. Oh! And no eating chocolate because it make the car smell, "like chocolate." Yeah, he's having fun!
Toyota Camry '96 |
Ha, ha, ha!! That's hysterical and so Vincent. lol :D He's a trip.
That totally sounds like Vincent!
Ah, don't you love brother drama! (I'm not sure why, but I have totally missed all your old posts. For some reason blogger just blocked everything and now showed like 15 of your posts in a row! ARggh! Hope you didn't think I was ignoring you!)
Nathan has the EXACT same car except it's a '99!
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