My Little Italian Theatre

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

The New Year

   Sorry I haven't written in a while, the craziness of the last week of the year has finally hit us. We're trying to balance the new play rehearsals that are going on, the last minute babysitting jobs that pop up when people realize we don't do anything or go anywhere for Christmas and the constant visits to the car shop for all our cars during this lovely icy snowy month.  Vincents "Baby" has had to go in for a headlight replacement, because when you aim your car towards a tree and you don't stop the car, that tree will... and wont be very nice about it. Vincent came home bothered with the fact that in the first week of having something big, he usually has to replace it or fix it. Poor Bub. The same thing happened with his Droid Evo, where he cracked the screen, well actually more like smashed it.
 My sister Rachel and I have gotten a lot of babysitting jobs too, running here and there, at the last minute. I mean like 2 minutes notice. Well we live in the middle of everything and almost everybody, we're homeschooled, we have 3 little sisters and we LOVE kids. By the way, this is NOT an advertisement!
 And the Rehearsals... they are going... ahem, pretty well. For those of you who know my dad probably can read this without shock. You see, he's in a musical and he wont DANCE!! Wont is too soft of a word. He REFUSES to dance in a musical!! I tried to convince him that Dancing goes with music and musicals. He didn't want to believe me. I feel so sorry for the choreographer (Stacey if your reading this, I feel for you!!) who has to deal with my Dad! The other day he hurt his back during work and of course used it for an excuse out of dancing. Ahhh Dad the wonders of Musicals!!


1 Comment:

Jordan Eaks said...

Ha ha! Some craziness going on there....but isn't it always?! lol :)Tell Vincent I'm sorry about his car, oh ahem and phone. whoops. You dad is hysterical. I can so see him dancing..NOT.LOL

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