My Little Italian Theatre

My Pictures

Sunday, September 19, 2010

no way!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

olivia all grown up

Olivia dear


haley bop

My bub again

Vincent my brother

Jordan my friend

Haley my little sister

Rachel my sister


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lights Up!!

Do you realize how much we depend on electricity? I hadn't really thought about it until I didn't have it. We had a friend of ours taking a tree down in our front yard Monday morning, (yes, Labor Day), and a branch came down knocking the power cable off the house. Not Cool At All. All our lights went out, none of our appliances worked, and horror of horrors... my laptop didn't have any way to charge let alone connect to internet. It was a complete nightmare. And then we have about 4 freezers in the house crammed packed with frozen goodies that, by the end of the first day of our 'electricity-fast' were no longer definable as frozen. Oh, and I almost forgot, my little sister thought that that day would be the best time to make a really dirty mess in her pants. The only day we have no washer and dryer, and its pouring rain outside. I think I almost died that day because, other than the fact that I was stuck cleaning her up I think I found 5 completely new pieces of furniture with my shins on the way to my room that I don't remember being there when the sun went down, (our only source of light), singeing my hair in the tiny bathroom candle while brushing my teeth, and dropping a delicately balanced flashlight (that my sister assured me was up there to help light up the room a little) on my head. Yes, I will remember that day, and continue to thank God for the amazing invention of electricity, but you don't know how happy I was when I plugged my computer in this morning and saw the lights come on!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Cant believe that my summer is almost over already. It seems like yesterday I was getting out of school for break. My summer has been filled with life long lessons, most I like to affectionately call growing pains. I've learned that being the eldest girl means that you are the first to reach the, 'OH My goodness, no you may not go and see that movie with that group of friends!' or ' You want to go to a pool party with 26 other teenagers? What in the world is going through your thick head!' kind of stuff. Im learning, slowly but surely as my parents would say, and I am happy to inform you that I have made it through the summer without having to be grounded for too long or running away. Thats always a good thing isnt it?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Arte Bella

Beautiful Art. Im trying to think of a good name for my Magazine. Its going to be about the Preforming Arts. Im really excited about it because I love the theatre. Getting on stage and acting makes me happy and I enjoy it. Though I enjoy the back stage just as much, if not more. I love the chaos that ensues about 3 seconds before an actor is about to go on stage and cant find a prop, and if they dont find it, half the scene goes down the drain as they scramble around trying to patch it up. I love when im on headset and the lighting crew says a very quiet and unemotional, 'Uh oh'.  It makes me almost pass out at the time... but after the show, we always get a good laugh. Also there are the closing night heart attacks . You see, as a stage manager you like to have control of the entire show and actors. But you have to remember that closing night to actors is basically saying to them, " Oh yeah, You guys can do what ever you want... as long as you stay in the script." Big Mistake!!! Sitting in the stage manager station, i have a TV monitor that gives me a pretty clear picture of the stage, and all the actors whether having large or small parts, have their ways of giving me a heart attack. Be it in their all-new-and-improved hair style or costume, or in the major changes in blocking, they skilfully and quite successfully manage to kill me every time. Never the less, I wouldn't trade one of those stress filled nights for anything. So lets put it simply, if seeing these people every day for a whole summer had not made us into one big happy family, we would all be jumping at each others throats... out of love, of course. :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

School year

Im about to start on my third year in High school, and Im not sure if im ready for it. Being homeschooled is different then going to a public school, like for example my dad is having me do my own home based buisness for the year. Its going to be a newsletter/magazine. Ill have to do reserch and the like for all the articles i have to write. Right now im trying to figure out what type of magazine im going to do. Ive been thinking about one focused on teens and the arts. Like painting, drawing and even acting. Im still working on it though. hmm... I dont  know what Ill do.


Welcome to my life as a 17 year old where I jot down the everyday happenings in my house. Some of them are funny and some are interesting, but I hope that through all of them you get a taste of my Little Italian Theatre.
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