My Little Italian Theatre

My Pictures

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lights Up!!

Do you realize how much we depend on electricity? I hadn't really thought about it until I didn't have it. We had a friend of ours taking a tree down in our front yard Monday morning, (yes, Labor Day), and a branch came down knocking the power cable off the house. Not Cool At All. All our lights went out, none of our appliances worked, and horror of horrors... my laptop didn't have any way to charge let alone connect to internet. It was a complete nightmare. And then we have about 4 freezers in the house crammed packed with frozen goodies that, by the end of the first day of our 'electricity-fast' were no longer definable as frozen. Oh, and I almost forgot, my little sister thought that that day would be the best time to make a really dirty mess in her pants. The only day we have no washer and dryer, and its pouring rain outside. I think I almost died that day because, other than the fact that I was stuck cleaning her up I think I found 5 completely new pieces of furniture with my shins on the way to my room that I don't remember being there when the sun went down, (our only source of light), singeing my hair in the tiny bathroom candle while brushing my teeth, and dropping a delicately balanced flashlight (that my sister assured me was up there to help light up the room a little) on my head. Yes, I will remember that day, and continue to thank God for the amazing invention of electricity, but you don't know how happy I was when I plugged my computer in this morning and saw the lights come on!



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Welcome to my life as a 17 year old where I jot down the everyday happenings in my house. Some of them are funny and some are interesting, but I hope that through all of them you get a taste of my Little Italian Theatre.
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