My Little Italian Theatre

My Pictures

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Ok. I guess I should have been ready for it. I mean its December already! But I think I was hoping that maybe it just wouldn't come this year. Or the next, or the next... What exactly does snow do for us? Really. We have to wake up at 5 in the morning to shovel the drive, take a full half hour to get dressed warm enough not to freeze our ears off and run out to the car an hour before you have to actually go somewhere to start it up only to find that its just as cold as when you started. But I guess theres some good stuff about it. I mean, imagine the world without hot chocolate. Or the warmth of the fire when you come in from a long cold wintry walk. Maybe the Lord gave us the snow so that we would better appreciate the warmth of a fully insulated house or the fuzzy slippers that we slip on in the morning. Hmmm. Its a thought.



Jo Bekah Photography said...

yes! This is so true!! Ha ha, but you know that I love snow. :) Well written bestie.

Madeline Elizabeth said...

Great post Sara!!!!
Sometimes i feel that way too.

rainesworld said...

Hi Sarah, what a lovely blog! Love your profile pic too! Thanks for the thoughts about winter....keep warm!

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Welcome to my life as a 17 year old where I jot down the everyday happenings in my house. Some of them are funny and some are interesting, but I hope that through all of them you get a taste of my Little Italian Theatre.
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